The Punjab government has introduced the PSER (Punjab Socio-Economic Registry) Survey Online to help residents verify their eligibility for various beneficial schemes, including the CM Laptop Scheme, Kisan Card, Himmat Card, and others. Completing this survey at the PSER portal is mandatory for all applicants who wish to participate in these programs. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to complete the PSER survey and secure your place in the CM Laptop Scheme.
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Why the PSER Survey is Important
The PSER Survey is a crucial initiative aimed at driving social development in Punjab. It plays a vital role in the “Khushal Punjab” project, which focuses on digitalizing Punjab and providing substantial assistance to its citizens. Completing the survey not only helps the government identify eligible candidates for various schemes but also ensures that the benefits reach those who truly need them.
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5 Simple Steps to Complete the PSER Survey and Register for the CM Laptop Scheme
Step 1: Visit the PSER Website
- Go to the official PSER website by typing in your browser’s address bar.
Step 2: Fill in Your Personal Information
- Provide all the necessary details in the PSER form, including your name, contact information, and other relevant data.
Step 3: Create a Secure Password
- Choose a strong password with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
- Enter this password in the designated field.
Step 4: Re-Enter the Password
- Re-type the same password in the confirmation field.
- Ensure both passwords match to avoid future login issues.
Step 5: Complete the Registration Process
- Review all the information you’ve entered for accuracy.
- Click the “Register” button to finish the process.
- You will receive a confirmation message or email verifying your successful registration.
After completing these steps, your information will be analyzed by the PSER team, and if eligible, you will be registered for the CM New Laptop Scheme.
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Eligibility Criteria for the CM Laptop Scheme via PSER Survey
Understanding the eligibility criteria is essential to ensure your application is valid. Here’s a quick breakdown of the eligibility requirements:
Category | Eligibility Criteria |
First-Year BS/B.Sc. Students | 60%+ in annual or 70%+ in semester exams in Medical, Dental, Engineering, Agriculture, etc. |
First-Year Master’s Students | 60%+ in annual or 70%+ in semester exams in 2-year programs. |
Remaining Evening Students | Laptops for already registered eligible students from the previous year. |
Top Matric Students | Top 100 scorers from each Provincial, Technical, and Federal Board. |
Top Students from Other Regions | Top 400 Matric and Intermediate students from other provinces, AJK, and Gilgit Baltistan. |
New MS/M.Phil./PhD Scholars | 60%+ in annual or 70%+ in semester exams, and not awarded laptops last year. |
Top Federal University Students | Top 10 students in each department at federal universities and campuses in Punjab. |
Deeni Madaris Students | 4,000 laptops based on merit criteria determined by the Auqaf Department, subject to approval. |
Completing the PSER Survey Online is a straightforward yet essential task to qualify for the CM Laptop Scheme and other beneficial programs offered by the Punjab government. By following the 5 easy steps outlined above, students can quickly register and determine their eligibility for these opportunities. Don’t miss out on this chance to benefit from the various initiatives aimed at supporting education and social development in Punjab.