Breaking News: BISP Nashonuma Program's Start Efforts To Combat Malnutrition

Breaking News: BISP Nashonuma Program’s Start Efforts to Combat Malnutrition

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has launched a new initiative to expand its efforts to support pregnant and lactating women suffering from malnutrition due to poverty. In partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), BISP has signed a two-year agreement to combat malnutrition through the Nashonuma Program. This partnership is set to provide substantial benefits to over 8171 Ehsaas beneficiaries, focusing on improving nutrition and overall health.

BISP’s Partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP) to Combat Malnutrition

BISP and WFP have entered into a two-year collaboration to fight malnutrition in Pakistan. The agreement, signed in Rome, is the largest government-funded project in WFP history, aiming to extend the Benazir Nashonuma Program’s reach and impact.

Objectives of the Partnership

  • Support for Malnourished Women and Children: The program aims to assist over four million pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and young children under two years old.
  • Expansion of Nutritional Support: The initiative will provide additional nutritional support and resources to BISP beneficiaries across Pakistan, particularly in areas with high rates of malnutrition.
  • Development of a Healthier Future: By addressing malnutrition, the partnership aims to create a healthier future for Pakistani children, focusing on the critical first 1,000 days of life, which are vital for a child’s physical and cognitive development.

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How the Benazir Nashonuma Program Provides Aid

The Benazir Nashonuma Program is specifically designed to tackle stunting and malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children under two years old. The program provides financial assistance to BISP beneficiary families to ensure better nutrition and health care.

Financial Support Provided Under the Program

CategoryAmount (per quarter)
Pregnant WomenRs. 2,500
PLW & Boy ChildRs. 2,500
PLW & Girl ChildRs. 3,000
Girls between 15 to 19 years oldRs. 1,500
PLW & Boy Child (Flood-affected)Rs. 3,500
PLW & Girl Child (Flood-affected)Rs. 4,000

The program provides Rs. 2,500 per quarter for each pregnant woman and boy child and Rs. 3,000 for each girl child. For adolescent girls aged 15 to 19, the program offers Rs. 1,500 per quarter. In flood-affected regions, the financial support increases to Rs. 3,500 for each boy child and Rs. 4,000 for each girl child.

Conditions for Receiving Support

To receive the financial aid, women are required to:

  • Consume specialized nutritious food (SNF).
  • Attend regular prenatal checkups.
  • Ensure their children receive routine vaccinations.
  • Participate in health awareness seminars.

The Impact of the BISP and WFP Agreement

The collaboration between BISP and WFP is crucial for Pakistan, where malnutrition rates remain alarmingly high. According to recent statistics, 40.2% of children under five are stunted, 28.9% are underweight, and 17.7% suffer from wasting. These figures underscore a severe child nutrition crisis, making the partnership between BISP and WFP vital for addressing these challenges.

BISP Nashonuma Program's

Importance of Addressing Malnutrition

Investing in early childhood nutrition has far-reaching benefits, not just for individual health but also for the country’s economic development. Proper nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life is critical to developing a child’s cognitive and physical abilities, laying the foundation for future success and productivity.


the two-year agreement between BISP and the World Food Programme marks a significant step in fighting malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women in Pakistan. Through this partnership, the Benazir Nashonuma Program will extend financial support and provide nutritious food to those in need, particularly in flood-affected regions. This initiative is set to make a profound impact, contributing to a healthier future for mothers and children and fostering long-term economic growth for Pakistan.

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